Happ-i.e. Valentine’s Day from Intercultural Engagement (i.e.)

Lobby 10 77 Massachusetts Ave, Lobby 10, Cambridge, MA, United States

Join Intercultural Engagement (i.e.) in lobby 10 on Valentine's Day to pick up a special i.e. valentine or make your own to share with your best-i.e., favorite facult-i.e., or even your sweet-i.e.! Stop by for some treats and be entered to win some tech cash too! Open to all MIT students! We'll be there until...


WAs: Acupressure and Stress Relief

Lobby 10 77 Massachusetts Ave, Lobby 10, Cambridge, MA, United States

Join the Wellbeing Ambassadors (WAs) for a tabling event to learn about the basics of acupressure, tension and stress relief, and quick acupressure techniques to try on your own. The WAs will also be giving away a limited number of free acupressure pens! Monday, April 4 | 12:30-1:30PM | Lobby 10


WAs: Scent Sachets, Senses, & Mindfulness

Lobby 10 77 Massachusetts Ave, Lobby 10, Cambridge, MA, United States

Join the Wellbeing Ambassadors for a tabling event where you can learn about sense scans and mindfulness practices. Students will have the opportunity to create small, personalized scent sachets filled with their favorite aromatherapy scents. The sachets can be used with the provided mindfulness activity card or alongside any other mindfulness practice in your free...
