Civil Discourse in the Classroom and Beyond

Civil Discourse in the Classroom and Beyond Speaker Series Spring 2024 These events are free and unticketed. Registration information for the Prasad and deBoer events TBA. “Israel/Palestine: What Next?” With Hussein Ibish (Arab Gulf States Institute), Shanie Reichman (Israel Policy Forum), Tarek Masoud (Harvard), Shai Feldman (Brandeis), and others TBC. February 13, 7-8.30p, 1-190 Registration:...


Civil Discourse in the Classroom and Beyond

Civil Discourse in the Classroom and Beyond Speaker Series Spring 2024 These events are free and unticketed. Registration information for the Prasad and deBoer events TBA. “Israel/Palestine: What Next?” With Hussein Ibish (Arab Gulf States Institute), Shanie Reichman (Israel Policy Forum), Tarek Masoud (Harvard), Shai Feldman (Brandeis), and others TBC. February 13, 7-8.30p, 1-190 Registration:...


Civil Discourse in the Classroom and Beyond

Civil Discourse in the Classroom and Beyond Speaker Series Spring 2024 These events are free and unticketed. Registration information for the Prasad and deBoer events TBA. “Israel/Palestine: What Next?” With Hussein Ibish (Arab Gulf States Institute), Shanie Reichman (Israel Policy Forum), Tarek Masoud (Harvard), Shai Feldman (Brandeis), and others TBC. February 13, 7-8.30p, 1-190 Registration:...
